Alun Allcock CompuServe 100255,1506 I thought of the idea for this little utilty when I was learning VB 3 and could not get the hang of the conventions of putting together InputBox and MsgBox's. All you have to do is launch this program with VB 3 and when you need to create a Dialog box, switch to it using "Alt-Tab" and follow the flow of the program. When you are satisfied with the result, copy to the Clipboard and paste into your code. I have only been programming with VB 3 for about 3 months and am still a novice. If you find this program useful, please give me the incentive think of others by posting a message to 100255,1506. I am hoping to extend the program by allowing the user to see an example of the Dialog box they have just created before copying to the Clipboard but this is definitely out of the range of my skills at the moment. I think that it's covered in Chapter 8 of the "Teach Yourself VB 3" book I am redaing and I am only in Chapter 2 !!!! . Regards, Alun